Alternate guest post strategy shared by SEO company in Mumbai, India. Creative shares the latest news and updates related to SEO and its services.
There is a point where ideas become speculative when it comes to link building. Sometimes it is difficult to know if Google is not passing a PageRank from a link which makes it difficult to know whether it is working or not.
For link building, guest articles link building is one of the easy way which helps you to make popular as well as it opens the door to abuse.
Guest Article might be penalized or demoted:
Not all guest post articles receives penalties. It is hard to find why some articles or projects fail. Maybe because placing some articles in sites with poor outlinks could be problematic. Google relies heavily on outbound link patterns to reveal network of spam as they form networks composed of spammy sites. Linking out from those sites to normal sites does not stop the formation of these spam networks as Google can still see them. By mapping out the link networks to find spam neighbourhood, Google can remove those pages from the ranking equation altogether. Google can still show these quality websites without actually showing their inbound links for ranking purposes that is the idea of sites that are too big to fail has been around a long time. The idea that a site is too big to fail is not the reason is not the reason they do not fail but actually it is more about users wanting to see certain sites and Google is being obligated to show those sites, regardless of any link spam.
A safe way to build article links:
The safest way to approach guest articles is not by thinking of them as link building projects but to think of them as a way to get the word about your site, your product or your service. Once it is enough for people to know about your site, demand for it grows automatically. Google rank pages as per the users expect to see. Also google rank web pages those features the answers which users expect to see. So it is more important to influence people with great product and great service rather than focusing on influencing Google with metric links. The better way to approach guest articles projects is to focus on increasing the awareness which means putting nofollows on all the links back to your site.
User-Centered Article marketing:
New opportunities open up by changing the thought process for guest articles from influencing Google to influencing people. Now a days it is important to get the word out. There is no reason to get upset on a news site that does not link out because it’s basically free advertising. Focusing on influencing people helps to opens up to print projects, newsletter projects and even podcasting projects. Thus it may find like rewarding without having to worry about what Google thinks about it.
Beware of copying your competitors:
If your competitor is engaging in massive guest article posting does not mean you should also do it. Ultimately, it’s all about the content and user expectations that decide which sites rank at the top.