Training institutes portal






Ecommerce Training institutes Portals Solutions


Creative is choice of 150+ businesses online and 30+ ecommerce portals with successful seo results online.


Check our ecommerce training institutes content management system features


1. Easily customize the look & feel to make it YOUR OWN…
Creative Commerce Ecommerce Software includes a complete ready-to-use website that let’s you open for business INSTANTLY! You can open for business right away, and customize as you go, continually changing the look & feel whenever you have time.
Access to our “Design Gallery” – allow you to browse for your favorite pre-made professional website design, and with a few clicks, easily change the entire look of your website.


Ability to create and use your own custom website design-Integrate you own completely custom HTML header & footer to surround the software content pages, then just change all the colors / graphics / display options of the content pages to match up with your design… the software is DESIGNED to allow amazing flexibility in design style CUSTOMIZATION!


Ability to customize – Customize each of your category pages to display products in many different layouts. Ability to use category graphics, subcategory graphics, and even display products in single rows, a 3×3 grid, large photos, small photos, short & simple list, or anything else!.


2. Superior customer support…


Complete documentation within the administration area, plus an additional manual, helpful tutorials & support knowledge base.


One of the most valuable features is the Creative Commerce Ecommerce Software Support Team, ready to answer your questions and help you run your store.


Yahoo StoreImport – Switch from Yahoo Store to Creative Commerce and enjoy FREE product import. We’ll transfer your products from your existing Yahoo Store over to the Creative Commerce platform.